Pares Ordenados
(mentors, mentees)

Online Directed Reading Program in Spanish

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Fall 2023 Edition


Spring 2023 Edition

Project Mentor Mentee
An introduction to chaotic dynamical systems pdf Alejandro Cardona Zapata Brayan Flórez
Group representation theory and Burnside's theorem Bernardo Villareal Arnold Jesús Cruz Montiel
Meausure theory and integration pdf Carlos Ospina Jhon Freddy Pérez Remolina
Introduction to category theory pdf Juan Omar Gómez Julián Andrés Montenegro Parra
Poincaré duality pdf Juan Sebastián Jaramillo Díaz Jhon Alexander Yam Borges
Introduction to public key cryptography pdf Maye Cárdenas Montoya César David Del Real Lario y Yiseth Karina Rodríguez Cáceres
An introduction to neural networks: an example about digit classification implementation Miguel González Duque Nathalia Castiblanco Carretero
Stanley-Reisner ideals: a relationship between algebra and combinatorics pdf Pedro Ángel Ramírez Moreno Catalina Quincosis Martínez
Convergence of Fourier series pdf Sergio Alejandro Carrillo Torres Jonathan Raymundo Torres Cárdenas
Prime numbers of the form \(x^{2} + ny^{2}\) pdf Sergio Ricardo Zapata Ceballos Mario Andrés Medina Barrera
Fundamental group, applications and CW complexes pdf Sergio Chaves Yuhad Olarte Ibrahim

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