Online Directed Reading Program in Spanish
If you would like to organize an in-person or online DRP in Spanish in your university, region, or country, we would be delighted to talk about our experience and answer any questions you may have.
When it comes to DRP's , the more the merrier!
Niny Arcila-Maya - William W. Elliott Assistant Research Professor at the Department of Mathematics at Duke University
We are three mathematicians from Manizales (Caldas, Colombia) who collaborate remotely with all our hearts to run Pares Ordenados.
Questions/Comments/Suggestions can be sent to paresordenados[@]gmail[.]com or to our emails.
We appreciate the assistance provided by Alejandra Herrera Reyes in selecting the name of this program.
We are grateful to Sergio Carrillo Torres for assisting with different logistics-related aspects of Pares Ordenados.